1. THERE are the Dawn and Night, the grand and beauteous Pair,
Earth, Heaven, and Varuna, Mitra, and Aryaman.
Indra I call, the Maruts, Mountains, and the Floods, Adityas, Heaven
and Earth, the Waters, and the Sky.
2 May Dyaus and Prthivi, wise, true to Holy Law, keep us in safety
from distress and injury.
Let not malignant Nirrti rule over us. We crave to-day this gracious
favour of the Gods.
3 Mother of Mitra and of opulent Varuna, may Aditi preserve us safe
from all distress.
May we obtain the light of heaven without a foe. We crave this
gracious favour of the Gods to-day.
[10.36.1-3; trans. Griffith]