Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Extracts from Snow Fu by Hsieh Hui-Lien

Many years ago while doing research I found this poem in a journal, and wrote down part of it. Today it must be available on the net, but I reproduce what I noted down at the time.

‘The year approaching its close,
The season getting dark
Cold winds gathering
Gloomy clouds clustering.

The Prince of Liang was not cheerful
As he strolled in Rabbit garden—
So he set out fine wine,
Called for his friends to come…’


‘How could integrity be my name,
How could purity be my virtue?
With the clouds I ascend and descend,
On the wind I flutter and fall.
Encountering objects I diffuse over their images,
On the earth I spread over its form.
Blank according to what I meet,
Foul following another’s sullying,
My hear is wild and free—
Whay should I worry, why hustle and bustle?’

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